About CustomPartNet

Join the Community

CustomPartNet offers more than educational content and interactive cost estimation tools - it offers access to a rapidly growing community of engineers. Currently, we receive over 80,000 visits per month and have registered users from over 500 companies and 100 universities around the world. Our users span a wide range of engineering disciplines and include students, designers, and manufacturers. One distribution of our users can be seen below.

Design Engineers:22%  
Manufacturing Engineers:18%  

Our users support the site and the community by emailing us their feedback. Whether we are sent a bug report, feature request, or a question, our user's comments continue to express appreciation for the resource we are providing. Thank you for your support.

A very well thought out and useful resource for industry professionals.
- MP Shankar
The site is really nice - especially as an educational tool. I'm a prof that's having my students use this website to do some cost estimates for a machined assembly.
- Robert F.
I am an engineer, and adjunct instructor at Texas State University in the engineering school. The information on your site is very well put together and informative.
- Wayne W.
This site looks really good and exactly what I need to price some parts for a project I am working on.
- Oliver A.
I've found your application for Cast costs calculation very clever and well built.
- Alex
I have to thank you all for your work. This is a great project.
- Vratko S.
Thank you for building such a beautiful tool.
- Ajay S

Our online services offer numerous ways to communicate and collaborate with this growing community.